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Terminate unresponsive app?

I've been building a demo for a few days and that is a cycle of compile-> deploy -> run. After my code changes I would redeploy the app and all was well.

When on the device, I have always used "bloom" to quit my app. I do not have an explicit Application.Quit() in my code. Today while prepping for demos (to management!) I notice that if I run my app, and bloom to quit, if I restart my app I do not get the "made with unity" splash screen, and when my app is rendered it seems to be unresponsive (to my voice commands).

So two questions. First, if I bloom to exit, is there any way to kill a "hung" app other than the device portal? Second, if bloom is the wrong way to exit an app what is the "right" way for an app to terminate?

BTW "management" was blown away by the demo :smile:

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    I started from the shell. Yes you are of course 100% correct about the 2D window. I didn't make the connection between my holograms and that window and when my hologram disappeared, I did not go searching for it (it was lower and about 90 degrees out of view). Thanks I definitely understand it now!

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    Instead of blooming to quit, if I want to programmatically quit the application (by having the behaviour emulated when we press the "Remove" button of the 2D window), what is the best way to do that ?

    Is there a specific API from SDK which we can use to quit the app/kill the process ?

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    @harshashan I haven't experimented with it in a HoloLens app but there is a UWP api call: Application.Exit that you could take a look at.

    Note the Remarks in the API's documentation however.

    Windows Holographic User Group Redmond

    WinHUGR.org - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @WinHUGR
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    We are running Application.Quit(); from within Unity and we are still seeing an open Window after the app quits... Is this normal behavior. How would we call the full Application Quit?? which leaves the hololens clean??

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    Should not Unity's Application.Quit(); map to UWP Application.Current.Exit(); ???

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    These apps were all created as AppX builds and installed with Webby. We are getting feedback from novice users who have opened up the app multiple times and then bloomed out of the App... Leaving windows of the app embedded in the walls etc... Anyway to exit "All" instances of the App from the OS if not from Code?

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