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Creating Software Bitmap from Direct3D surface fails.


As part of my work on HoloLens, I am trying to capture the frames through media capture.

  1. I used the UWP API of MediaFrameReader to process the frames.
  2. I created a Windows UWP class library which has the above functionality.
  3. I then added the UWP class library as a plugin in the Unity Project with target framework as .NET 4.6 experimental
  4. Invoked this Library from a Script I have created.

As mentioned in the documentation, when the MediaCapture is initialized we have an option to set the MemoryPreference to either "Auto" or "Cpu". When I set the MemoryPreference as "Cpu", the app works as expected. However, the frame rate is slow.

To take advantage of the graphics card and get a higher frame rate I have set the MemoryPreference as "Auto" and from each frame reference, I am trying to get hold of the SoftwareBitmap by using the method SoftwareBitmap.CreateCopyFromSurfaceAsync(surface) which is the way as described here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/audio-video-camera/process-media-frames-with-mediaframereader

"MemoryPreference - If you specify CPU, the system will use CPU memory which guarantees that when frames arrive, they will be available as SoftwareBitmap objects. If you specify Auto, the system will dynamically choose the optimal memory location to store frames. If the system chooses to use GPU memory, the media frames will arrive as an IDirect3DSurface object and not as a SoftwareBitmap."

When I set the MemoryPreference as Auto and try getting the software bitmap from the Direct3DSurface, I get an exception the surface is null.

Any pointers on how to resolve this will be of great help.

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