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Tutorial 211

I am learning tutorial 211. I am confused about how to implement "manipulation" exactly. In GestureAction.cs, there are two functions: PerformManipulationStart and PerformManipulationUpdate. In each of these two, the input is Vector3 position, and the input is passed from functions in GestureManager.cs.

However I do not understand what do these two position stand for relatively? I mean, as to control the gameobject moving following hands, we should use initial position and update it by new position where hands move to.

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    Thanks! It helps!

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    what if i want to use manipulation without the voice input?
    i'm using Gesture and hands manager from the HTK. they are quite different from the managers from the 211 lesson.

    i have
    private void ManipulationRecognizer_ManipulationStartedEvent(InteractionSourceKind source, Vector3 cumulativeDelta, Ray headRay)
    in my Gesture Manager. in this method i verify Gesture.Manager.Instance!=null then i call the PerformModify method where I put the vector calculations from the 211 lesson. but nothing seem to happen and I can't figure out why.
    I was wondering if you can help me with this.

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