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Immersive experience with holograms and people

So, after playing with HoloLens for a week, I've noticed that holograms are projected on top of people, that is unless the person sits still and becomes part of the spatial data scan.

The scanning/updating spatial data is slow, and generally doesn't get updated when running an app. So people walking in front of you never become part of your scene.

Now, I was watching the HoloLens demo from COMPTEX. As you can see from the video, the presenters legs are clipped perfectly as the camera moves around the model motorcycle.

Now for this to happen, I'm assuming that they ramped up the amount of triangles scanned for spatial data...and then stayed very very still.

Is this really the only viable way to get a fully immersive experience? People move all the time so it's going to be a pain, and scanning/updating can be an expensive task.


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