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The Mixed Reality Forums here are no longer being used or maintained.

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The first way we want to connect with you is our mixed reality developer program, which you can sign up for at https://aka.ms/IWantMR.

For technical questions, please use Stack Overflow, and tag your questions using either hololens or windows-mixed-reality.

If you want to join in discussions, please do so in the HoloDevelopers Slack, which you can join by going to https://aka.ms/holodevelopers, or in our Microsoft Tech Communities forums at https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/mixed-reality/ct-p/MicrosoftMixedReality.

And always feel free to hit us up on Twitter @MxdRealityDev.

Mind winning APPs by MS for hololens - Cineamtic High quality

They may even use embedded data/images/video data or from cloud. Like a 30 to 45 sec APP high quality cinematic looking Dragon flying into your window (from farther to the closest position near to ur vision for clarity) and breathes a beautiful fire. Real working APP in the store. Not a github. This is an example. MS can come with a better video than I mentioned.

Also, How about creating 3D hologram image(data) files out of Rift and VIVE by suing MS apps. Tiltbrush, someone did Holodress. Similar to that.

Actiongram looks good for a story but lacks the cinematic quality experience. Also, I have not seen a single story video out of it, with a better design and sound. no WOW experience.

Developers , u will get if u win the customer /kids minds.

Winning minds is very important. Compare the Skype vs Google purchase. Skype was bought as revenue making tool and the youtube was missed.

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