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April 2018 Update Hololens cannot connect to this network

Hey guys, I have run into an urgent issue and I am not sure how to get it resolved.

Got an email a week or two ago about a mandatory update tomorrow (the April 2018 update). Decided to go ahead and update Friday to get it over with. But the issue is now I cant get it to connect to our company's network anymore. Before the update, it connected just fine with zero issues. Now it simply states Verifying & Connecting followed by "Cannot connect to this network".

Our company has another network for guest and it connects just fine. Is there a way to diagnose this or see the reasoning for "Cannot connect to this network"????
I talked to our network IT guys but they have no clue since the password is correct.

I have already tried resetting the device and it is still a no go. Any help would be a lifesaver.

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    Ok, a stupid moment here. The issue is resolved. Apparently, IT gave me wrong password. What was throwing me off was when at first it said "cannot connect to network" I intentionally tried a wrong password and it gave the error "wrong password" but when I entered the assumed (correct password) it gave me "cannot connect". I am unsure why it gave different errors for the same issue :(


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    Ok, a stupid moment here. The issue is resolved. Apparently, IT gave me wrong password. What was throwing me off was when at first it said "cannot connect to network" I intentionally tried a wrong password and it gave the error "wrong password" but when I entered the assumed (correct password) it gave me "cannot connect". I am unsure why it gave different errors for the same issue :(

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