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The Mixed Reality Forums here are no longer being used or maintained.

There are a few other places we would like to direct you to for support, both from Microsoft and from the community.

The first way we want to connect with you is our mixed reality developer program, which you can sign up for at https://aka.ms/IWantMR.

For technical questions, please use Stack Overflow, and tag your questions using either hololens or windows-mixed-reality.

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And always feel free to hit us up on Twitter @MxdRealityDev.

Has anyone received a Wave 3 order invitation?

I know they announced that Wave 3 is now shipping, so was wondering if anyone had received their order invitation yet?

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    Thanks for the responses. I got mine on Monday morning 6/13 and ordered it around 5:30pm, 2 devices. I saw on Wednesday that it was shipping out of Shanghai on Tuesday and I got it delivered this morning 6/16. Amazing how fast things can ship from the other side of the world.

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