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FPS and GPU graph with Windows Performance Analyzer


I am currently working on a concept to optimize CAD-Data for the Hololens. For that I would like to analyze my Hololens performance with the Windows Perfomance Analyzer. The Hololens documentation tells me I can track Memory, CPU, GPU and FPS with the Analyzer.

I tracked the perfomance with the device portal and downloaded the file to open in Windows Perfomance Analyzer but I can't find a graph for FPS or GPU usage anywhere. I checked out all the different tracking profiles and neither gave me the infos I need.

In the analyzing tool I got "System Activity", "Computation", "Storage", "Memory" and "Power". I expanded them all and couldn't find FPS or GPU.

Can you tell me how I manage to get a FPS and GPU usage graph with Microsoft Perfomance Analyzer? The graphes in the Device Portal itself are too short and not as detailed as the MPA ones.



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    Use HoloLens Device portal. If I remember correcty, it has a FPS counter but not a GPU usage graph

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    The Device Portal has both FPS and GPU graphs but there are not detailed enough and too short.

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