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Holographic remoting on emulator, or alternative solutions

Does anyone know how to add the Holographic Remoting App to the HoloLens emulator? It fails when I try to download it directly from the store. I know you can use the Device Portal to load apps into the emulator, but I don't see anywhere to download the remoting app outside the HoloLens store.

Some background in case there's a better way to do what I want. I have a Unity app that takes in and processes data from multiple devices (which is why I cant install it directly on the HoloLens) and displays it to the user. I have this working on the Oculus Rift, but a non-immersive display such as the HoloLens would work better for my use case. Using remoting seems to be the solution that requires the least amount of changes to my project to make it work, but if there's another option, then I am open to suggestions. From articles such as https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/05/30/create-enhanced-3d-visuals-with-holographic-emulation-in-uwp/ I know I should be able to make my app remote to the HoloLens. At the moment I don't have a physical HoloLens so I'm kind of stuck unless I get the remoting working in the emulator.


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