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RS4 added support for 3D app launchers, does this work with the App Store? If not, when will it?

Hi, a major feature of the HoloLens RS4 update was to support 3D app launchers. These can be 3D models with animations, provided as glTF .glb format and annotated within the Package.appxmanifest file.

This is well described in Microsoft documentation at these locations:
1. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/implementing-3d-app-launchers
2. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/creating-3d-models-for-use-in-the-windows-mixed-reality-home

I was discussing this feature with other HoloLens developers and it was said that yes, this feature works in applications, however that the Microsoft App Store is breaking this feature by stripping out the 3D icons from the applications.

Is this feature properly working with applications delivered in the Microsoft App Store?
If not, since this is a major feature to provide 1:1 functionality between 3rd party developers applications and the original Microsoft applications for the HoloLens, will be able to get a fix so that the App Store does not strip out these great icons?

Has anyone successfully updated their applications to support glTF/glb icons? Are there any examples?

Thank you and best regards!

(BTW, I absolutely love the changes being added in RS4 and RS5. Great work to all the Microsoft Developers. Whoever added Miracast - I would love to buy you a beer!)

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