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How to render to a HolographicQuadLayer in DirectX


I'm trying to use a HolographicQuadLayer to render some static, relatively positioned artifacts.

I've created the quad layer as follows

winrt::Windows::Graphics::Holographic::HolographicQuadLayer quadLayer{ winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size(1268, 720) };

and added it to the camera's list of quad layers


I've also been able to successfully get the HolographicQuadLayerUpdateParameters, update the Location of the layer and acquire the buffer with the following code

HolographicQuadLayerUpdateParameters quadLayerUpdateParameters = appState.holographicFrame.GetQuadLayerUpdateParameters(quadLayer);

quadLayerUpdateParameters.UpdateExtents(winrt::Windows::Foundation::Numerics::float2(1268, 720));

quadLayerUpdateParameters.UpdateLocationWithDisplayRelativeMode(float3{0.f, 0.f, 0.f}, quaternion{float3{0.f, 0.f, 0.f}, 1});

IDirect3DSurface direct3DSurface = quadLayerUpdateParameters.AcquireBufferToUpdateContent();

This is as far as I can get though. I am unable to get a ID3D11Texture2D to which I can render. I've tried using D3D11Interop

    winrt::com_ptr<ID3D11Resource> resource;
        GetDXGIInterfaceFromObject(direct3DSurface, IID_PPV_ARGS(resource.put()));


I've also tried casting to an ID3D11Texture2D as well as a ID3D11Resource with no success.

Has anyone done this or know of any code examples. I have been searching but haven't found anything yet.


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