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Webcam usage status


I'm building an application for Hololenses which tracks some 3D objects in real world. I use Unity and MR Toolkit. Tracking library ofc use webcam to get frames and do magic to recognize object.
From the other side whole session with my application is streamed using mixed reality capture (live preview) to another web based application running on PC (It uses the same API as Device Portal).
I have to switch off mixed reality capture live preview each time before I run 3D Objects tracker. It is done through websocket connection. I just send message to PC application to stop live preview. PC application responds me with message as soon as it call API to stop live preview.
Unfortunately it doesn't mean that webcam resource is already free to use so when I start Tracker it fails.
Question is: Is there any possibility, API or something in Unity or MR Toolkit to get information if webcam is used or not?

I tried already without any success:
* Turn on photo or video mode to check if it is possible. (UnityEngine.XR.WSA.WebCam)
* Use MediaCapture.StartPreviewAsync() to catch System.IO.FileLoadException when camera
is in use in another process

I also can not edit Tracking library as it is 3rd party software and it doesn't throw any exception, just crash when can't get camera.

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