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Hololens Unity Dictation Recognizer

Hello Everyone,

I am building an app that has you have a conversation with a patient, and you need to ask quite a few questions. I started off with the keyword recognizer and it didn't seem to work properly for me, it acted more like a phrase recognizer where you had to say exactly what it is looking for. I have had more success with the dictation recognizer just taking the words that have been spoken and just matching them with keywords to determine what has been asked. There are so many ways to ask the same question this seems like the best way to do it.

Anyway, after a while sometimes it will stop working. I have the Initial/InitialSilenceTimeoutSeconds set to 500000f, which shouldn't be reached obviously. I have it checking in the DictationComplete to always make sure it keeps running after it completes. I am checking for DictationError as well and not getting anything. I have the dictation stop while the patient responds in audio, and start again after the patient is done talking. In the update function I have it check to make sure it is running, whenever the patient isn’t speaking. I made a button that will log weather or not the dictation recognizer is running. When it stops working I click the button and it says it is still running.

Not sure what is going on and just wondering if anyone else has had the same issue. Most of the examples of dictation I can find you have to click a button for it to start listening, instead of have it constantly listen. Maybe you are not supposed to use it the way I am, which would be a bummer.


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