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Is there a way to run a hololens application on Hololens without publishing it to the windows store?

I created a basic windows app using VS and able to run it on a Hololens emulator. I want to check it on Hololens itself but couldn't figure out how to do that without publishing it to the windows store. Is there a way to do that ?

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    Thank you very much Alex. Now I can play around :)

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    @AlexD said:
    You certainly can.
    To deploy on the device itself, you need to connect it to your computer using the USB cable and deploy to "device" or make sure it's in the same network as your development machine and deploy to "remote machine".
    There's a great tutorial here

    Thank you very much Alex. Now I can play around :)> @Jerome said:

    you have to activate the developper mode in your Hololens (around the update setting page)
    you can using an USB cable or other the wifi by starting the remote debug in VS2015.
    there is an app in the windows store which is dedicated to communicate with an hololens device, get it.

    I found this:

    Thanks Jerome. I got what I was looking for :)

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