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211 Tutorial

I made some change to the original astronaut program:

I delete "astroman" and "astroman_expanded". Then I import a brain asset into my workspace and hope I can move it as I did before to astronaut. I change corresponding codes in each script.

The project is built and deployed successfully. But I could not interact with my brain. "HandDetectedFeedback" and "PathingFeedback" do not show either.

I keep all scripts and set the brain in "Interactible" layer. I could not find out what else I should change. Any idea?

Best Answers


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    @timg I add attached a mesh collider to my brain. Any other reasons?

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    @neerajwadhwa Yes, that is what I did. But when I use the cursor to control my brain, the cursor is partly hidden behind the brain. Is there nothing with the layer settings?

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    ahillierahillier mod
    edited June 2016

    In CursorManager.cs, the public property 'DistanceFromCollision' determines how far the cursor should hover above another hologram.

    // Place the cursor at the calculated position. 
    this.gameObject.transform.position = GazeManager.Instance.Position + GazeManager.Instance.Normal * DistanceFromCollision;

    If you find that your cursor is partially hidden by the hologram that it intersects with, either adjust the collider on that object (brain) so that it is slight larger than the rendered object, or increase the 'DistanceFromCollision' value, so the cursor will hover a bit higher and won't disappear behind the hologram.

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    Hey guys! Thanks for an awesome tutorial. I'm coming to these late, I know! I have been able to progress up to the point where I cannot get cursor feedback that my hand has been detected. I know my hand is being detected because I can hit a breakpoint that I set in HandsManager.cs >> private void InteractionManager_SourceDetected... and I know that HandDetected is being set to "true". But I am not getting the cursor to change.

    I think I've followed all the instructions correctly. I tracked the problem to where we call the GameObject.Instantiate(inputPrefab) method. When I step into that function I get an error message that states "UnityEngineObject.cs" not found so I cannot debug any deeper. Any idea what might be going on?

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