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Authentication in HoloLens with Azure DB

We recently created a small API REST with Azure and connected it to Unity, in order to retrieve the files from a blob storage container (images, video, pdf...) and deploy it through the HoloLens. I was based on the video from Steve Taylor in youtube:


However, since we have compromising documents we wanted to privatize the API REST, and there is where we are experiencing some issues. We want to change the Blob Storage with a Private access policy, and then with Azure Functions write the key access to allow the Unity application to open the files.

This is the code I wrote down for the GET function in Azure:

using System.Net;

public static HttpResponseMessage Run(HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log, IEnumerable assets)
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, assets);

We were thinking about the possibility of using Key Vault from Azure, but we neither know if this tool could provide us what we need.

Did anyone try to create a similar authentication protocol? If so, could you please provide us with some insight on how to do it?

Thanks in advance

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