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Experience related questions

Afternoon, I've been playing with holo lens quite abit. I'm a ux teacher and experience designer with dev know how. As I've been Checking out all the documentation I have a few questions.

  1. When spatially mapping a room is this base data open to other apps?
  2. This room, ceiling and wall mapping interface at the start of several experiences is this a standard holo lens system / component?
  3. How does this spatial information get updated if the room changes.(methods)
  4. What factors are being used to map room location to existing spatial environment?
  5. How do objects in a room level experience get mapped to place points. For example an object is for a table, floor, ceiling.
  6. Are the scan capabilities something you have to custom build the room overlays for?
  7. I noticed last night the device worked quite well in a dark room after I turned off the light.

I'm really putting the device into familiar and practical places.

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    Thank you for your answers.

    1. This is probably covered in holo 230. I was asking how the system recognizes existing spatial maps for a previous mapped location

    2. I was asking about the overlay that shows up showing Wall's ceilings etc have been mapped. Similar to to the apps by asobo.

    Thanks again for sharing your knowledge

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