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New Unity Technical Preview - 5.4b22 HTP

ahillierahillier mod
edited June 2016 in Questions And Answers

For anyone who missed it, Unity recently released a new technical preview for HoloLens (beta 22). Release notes and installs can be found here: http://unity3d.com/pages/windows/hololens


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    Well I suggest we wait (8th July 2016, approximately 8 days after standard release) for the new build 24 with many so things, we have be waiting for to be fixed. Here is relevant snippet of the release notes
    Scroll to5.4.0b24 Release Notes (Full)

    Windows Standalone: Added "Copy PDB files" option in the Build Settings window. This way, you can control whether or not to copy debugging files.1.

    Windows Store: Added Bluetooth capability to Player Settings.

    Windows Store: Added UnityEngine.Ping class.

    Windows Store: Fixed generated Visual Studio solution and Assembly-CSharp* projects so that they will no longer rebuild needlessly. See upgrade guide for more information. B)

    Windows Store: Improved Visual Studio project generation. The solution shouldn't rebuild needlessly anymore; however, users may need to delete the old generated project so it can be regenerated. :)

    _Windows Store: In Player Settings, visual asset images are now edited using object fields.

    Windows Store: New implementation for TouchScreenKeyboard on UWP now supports both XAML and D3D apps as well as IME input. Older implementation can be turned on by passing command line argument -forceTextBoxBasedKeyboard.

    Windows Store: PDBs will now be included in the installers for "Release" players as well as debug and master players. :)

    Windows Store: System.operatingSystem will add '64bit' postfix if target device has 64bit CPU (see more information in Unity Documentation).

    Other highlights include

    Windows: Added speech recognition APIs under UnityEngine.Windows.Speech. These APIs are supported on all Windows platforms as long as they're running on Windows 10: Windows Editor, Windows Standalone and Windows Store.

    Windows: Added support for G-Sync and FreeSync on Windows 10 on DirectX 11 (for the Windows Store player only) and DirectX 12 (for both the standalone player and the Windows Store player).

    Windows: Windows Standalone player now can be run in Low Integrity Mode by passing -runWithLowIntegritylevel command line argument.

    Windows Store: Command line argument -dontConnectAcceleratorEvent can now be added to disable accelerator event-based input. This disables support for some keys in Unity (like F10, Shift), but fixes issue with duplicate characters in some XAML controls.

    Windows Store: Realtime global illumination now works when using Windows 10 SDK.

    Windows Store: UnityWebRequest now supported for all SDKs.

    Not long to wait 8th July? for HTP, DONT LOAD the standard beta which is already released

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    5.4b24 HTP is now available for download.

    Windows Holographic User Group Redmond

    WinHUGR.org - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @WinHUGR
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    As @HoloSheep states 5.4b24 HTP is here and it delivers everything promised above. Debugging works again :) works with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 Community. Built ModelExplorer, quickly in all modes properly. No crashes in Local Machine Win32, no use with the emulator :D, but it starts.
    The offline documentation for Unity is updated for B24 as well

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