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Deploy to device fails 2/3 of the time. Why?

When I deploy to the device from visual studio using "remote machine", 2 out of 3 times it times out. Sometimes the deploy works in only a few seconds, other times is takes much longer. Sometime it just seems to keep trying and never succeeding and I have to force an exit. It seems like deployment should generally take the same amount of time every time, but this is not the case even when I redeploy with no changes.

Why is deploying to the device so unstable and what can I do to address this?

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    Jarrod1937Jarrod1937 ✭✭✭

    The deployment time I noticed varies with the type of data that is changed. If I am only changing the script code it's fast, if I rebuild from Unity it takes longer as it has to upload more data, that is invalidated, to the device.
    And yes! Update 3 of VS was a lifesaver, the deployment issues were a pain, definitely make sure you're uptodate on that.

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