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Spatial Mapping

Just load file from Tutorial 230.
In my project I drag the spatial mapping prefab into hierarchy panel, why I could not see any meshed drawing after I launched the program?

I've already finished all steps in Unity Setup section, including enabling all capabilities required.

Best Answer


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    @ContextVR Could I run without loading room model? I can run example project without room model, but I could not when I apply it to my own project. No idea why.

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    @ContextVR Also, I do not get any meshes after setting Surface Material to Wireframe.

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    ContextVRContextVR ✭✭✭

    @Zihui_Liu What happens when you say you can't run your own project with the room model? Do you see a crash, or you don't see the room model as wireframe?

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    ContextVRContextVR ✭✭✭

    @Zihui_Liu Can you import SRMesh into your own project? What happens after you set the Room Model property in your project to SRMesh?

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    @ContextVR I mean to do spatial mapping remotely on device. In this case I do not need to import room model right? The weird thing is that when I drag the spatial mapping management prefab into the hierarchy in my project, no meshed show in the environment. But I can run the sample project in Tutorial 230 perfectly.

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    same problem. When using the prefab the spatial mapping does not work on the device but when I load up the tutorial project file, it all works fine. Any updates on this?

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    ContextVRContextVR ✭✭✭

    @Zihui_Liu Do you have SpatialPerception capability checked in your build settings?

    Here's a similar thread where that was one of the issues:


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    @ContextVR @mattsich Yes, I checked spatial mapping in project setting.
    My issue is that the meshes are not gendered when I initially launch the program.

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    I haven't gone through the spatial mapping tutorials, but I assume they are adding a SpatialMappingRenderer component to a GameObject in the scene. In the component, make sure that the "Custom Render Setting" is not set to Occlusion, but instead set to Custom Material (and the material should automatically set itself to SpatialMappingWireframe). Freeze Updates should be unchecked, and have Time Between Updates set to a low value for testing (say, 2). Note that it seems to wait that amount of time before it first scans the room. Also of course set the Size in Meters to something reasonable - I have mine set to 4x4x4.

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