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Battery Life Expectancy

How long can we expect the battery to survive before it degrades to the point that it needs to constantly be recharged or replaced?

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    In the hopes of getting this question answered, one can also provide the number of charge/discharge cycles the HoloLens battery is expected to achieve. Good question, Billy.

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    Will Microsoft be coming out with a portable battery pack that can attach to HL while in use, something that says clips to your belt? In our use cases we need extended life beyond three hours in some cases.

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    @AngryPixel said:

    You can already walk into your local electronics store and buy large external USB batteries that work with HoloLens. They're fairly standard.

    Here is template for a 3D printable battery pack,
    Battery pack 3D model

    Great thing here is you can modify the model and view the mods on HoloLens in 3D Viewer :)B)

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