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Add more DOF into rotation manipulation

Hello all,
Now we can only manipulation rotation in left-right dimension. Is there a way to rotate it up-down and front-back, ie., add more DOF into it?

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    @HoloSheep Can you provide more details on how to use manipulation gesture to rotate the gameobject in roll, pitch and yaw dimension?

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    @Zihui_Liu according to the docs:

    Navigation gestures operate like a virtual joystick, and can be used to navigate UI widgets, such as radial menus. You press to start the gesture and then move your hand within a normalized 3D cube, centered around the initial press. You can move your hand along the X, Y or Z axis from a value of -1 to 1, with 0 being the starting point.

    Sounds similar for Manipulation.

    So I would expect that in the Update event you could inspect the x, y, & z value and set a Local rotation on your gameobject.

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