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How do I convert my App to a hologram?

edited July 2016 in Questions And Answers

I have successfully deployed my first homegrown Hololens application (3d text stating "Hello World"). But unlike the "Holograms" that can be placed from the hololens holograms menu, my application launches the way they heavier apps launch (Galaxy Explorer, etc.). It clears my holographic room, and only displays the hologram associated with the app. How can i convert my "App" to a plain "Hologram" that can be positioned in my room with the rest of my holograms from the hologram menu?

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    @HoloSheep Thank you for the quick response. I guess now I will have to move on to 101E and learn how to resize and re-position my hologram using commands, as there is no placement on option in my mapped room.

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    @Matt yes, you should definitely checkout and work through the tutorials there is lots of cool stuff that you "can" do even if this one particular feature isn't available yet.

    The tutorials will familiarize you with a bunch of new stuff that in one form or another is nicely supported in the HoloToolkit (which you will get introduced to in later tutorials)

    Windows Holographic User Group Redmond

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