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Building non-Unity Visual Studio Project for Hololens


I've got an exciting project which I think would be really useful for the Hololens.

I've currently got the project working as a Win32 app that I can run from the Powershell. It involves using DLLs provided me by the FBX SDK etc as well as other DLLs. The majority of the project is plain old C++ code. I'm building in Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.

My question is: how do I get this working as a Hololens app? I've done plenty of research on Universal Windows Apps. For instance, I know I can use the Desktop App Converter which can convert an installer for a Desktop app so that the app can be correctly installed on a Universal Windows Device, but what about a simple command line program?

I also know how to build a Hololens app with Unity -- but this app doesn't need all the extras Unity provides. Even if we were to add Unity integration with it later, doesn't the program itself need to be built for Hololens before, for instance, adding it as a plug-in to Unity?

Now I've looked into the Configuration Manager on Visual Studio as well, and the only platforms that it seems I can add are x64 or ARM -- I don't see the x86 option as in the Origami demo.

Concisely: How can I build a command line program in Visual Studio to run on Hololens?

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