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Hololens and Cordova

I'm trying to create a cordova plugin to create an holographic view. I'm having an issue when I call HolographicSpace::CreateForCoreWindow(window). That throws a Platform::AccessDeniedException. I've try to enable all the permission in the packaging but that doesn't change anything. Anyone has any idea what might cause this exception ?


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    Alec_HAlec_H ✭✭

    It looks like cordova only supports up to windows 8. The Hololens is running on a lite version of Windows 10. This maybe your issue? Also another reason is the Hololens is pretty locked downs still, because it is a first wave dev model(IE you can't update firmware on your pc or access much of it on a pc). I think this restrictions will decrease as the dev period lengthens. I hope this helps.

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    Hi Alec, Thanks for your feedback. Note that cordova now support windows 10 uwp (it's using winJS host to do so). I suspect the hololens API have been restricted to run from the winjs host client.

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