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Fix hologram to field of view

I would like to fix my hologram to a corner in my field of view, kind of like a tag along. But unlike a tag along game object, I'd like for it to stay in the same place in my field of view. Thanks!


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    @IGITech naturally you are free to do your own experimentation and research but... Microsoft has invested a lot of time and money researching this topic and the related user experience and they strongly recommend against locking objects to the screen for reasons of user comfort as described in the Designing for mixed reality section of the docs.

    Can you share more on the scenario that you are thinking of where you would like to have a hologram stay in the exact same place in your field of view?

    It is not recommended, but should be pretty easy to code into an Update routine with code something like:

    var headPosition = Camera.main.transform.position;
    var gazeDirection = Camera.main.transform.forward;
    this.transform.position =  headPosition + gazeDirection * 2f;

    Windows Holographic User Group Redmond

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