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Best Way to Visualize Gestures?

edited July 2016 in Questions And Answers

I'm planning to do some work to build some gesture visualization tools. If they're any good I may share later. I want to do this so, as a developer, I have good feedback on exactly what the Hololens is seeing. I previously developed for Leap Motion, for instance, and I had a hand mesh that told me exactly what the user's hands looked like.

Does anyone have tips or advice on how to go about doing some gesture visualization? I want to start with visualizing...

  • visualize the states of the tap... see when the "tap position" is recognized, see when a tap has been done, see when a tap transforms into a "hold"
  • what does Hololens know about the positions of the users hands? visualize the user's hands as accurately as possible
  • stuff with voice recognition

I'll update this post with C# code if I develop anything of merit.

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