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it's possible to Play Hololens App in Unity Intégrate PLayer With Holo Toolkit ?

All is in the title :)

Because my hololens friend's return to Seatlle on monday ! :(

It's possible to Play Hololens App in Unity Integrate PLayer With Holo Toolkit or another module ?

I want play my hololens program simply without hololens emulator or hololens.

Anybody have a solution ?



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    sptspt ✭✭

    My current project runs in unity without the emulator. This is pretty easy to do, just keep the hololens specific code inside #if WINDOWS_UWP checks. I also have a little bit of special code in the #else case to handle stuff that only runs in Unity, like mouse clicks and the like.

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    edited January 2017

    Can you please provide more details how to achieve that. In my case, though it runs in unity inbuilt player, gestures and movements with mouse and keyboard don't work as in emulator. So how can I get them work?

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    sptspt ✭✭

    I just use the regular Unity code for mouse and keyboard, I dont use gestures or the emulation stuff.

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