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What is the most compatible 3D modeling software with Unity?

Let me begin by saying I am brand new to 3D modeling.

I'm using Blender right now because it's free and I saw it in a tutorial before. I'm finding issues bringing in colors/gradients/textures from Blender to Unity using Blender's "Blender Render" engine. The "Cycles" engine is not compatible at all.

Is there a more standard software that is more compatible with Unity? What does Microsoft recommend?


Best Answer


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    You should check out our solution, it will really cut down on the time you spend preparing your model in Unity. We have developed a solution that takes a 3D model and creates an experience on HoloLens in seconds, instead of the weeks or months you may spend doing Unity development.

    It's excellent for any 3D modeler, especially those showing off designs in architecture, BIM, etc.

    Please contact me for more info about our beta program at billy@zengalt.com


  • Options

    @Billy said:
    You should check out our solution, it will really cut down on the time you spend preparing your model in Unity. We have developed a solution that takes a 3D model and creates an experience on HoloLens in seconds, instead of the weeks or months you may spend doing Unity development.

    It's excellent for any 3D modeler, especially those showing off designs in architecture, BIM, etc.

    Please contact me for more info about our beta program at billy@zengalt.com


    HI Billy - sent u mail - thanks and best regards

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