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update to 14393.187 uninstalling applications

This morning while trying to navigate the menu I was noticing that everything kept shifting around by one icon. I would go to click on my application and it would jump. I went to the top of the menu and noticed that Actiongram kept appearing and disappearing. After about 10 minutes it was completely gone from the menu. When I go to the store is says install. At no point did I initiate the device to uninstall Actiongram but it seems to have done it automatically. I mentioned this to my coworker and he said that the windows 10 anniversary update yesterday also uninstalled drivers and applications from his desktop computer. Is there any insight into what is going on here? Is this related to the Actiongram update yesterday? Is this a bug or is the Hololens going to start uninstalling applications that are suddenly out of date?

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