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How do I detect no gesture

I am using gestureRecognizer to detect a gesture through startcapturingGestures() method. How do I detect when no gestures were recognized? For example if I am manipulating an object and my hand goes out of the view of the hololens.



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    Hi @lxd20,
    For the air tap gesture, you will get a SourceLost event when the hand leaves the FOV. When using manipulation, you will get a ManipulationCanceled event when the hand is lost. You can respond to these events if you want to do something special when a gesture is not completed.

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    yeah I tried it, its just that sometimes when the hand is obviously out of range, the hololens doesn't detect that. The manipulation gesture I implemented allows me to pinch and hold to move an object around, and to let go of the object just release the pinch (using manipulation started, manipulation updated). However when I pinch and hold the object and move my hand out of range and release my pinch, the hololens doesn't detect it, and the object still follows my hand motion even though I let go of the pinch.

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    The HoloLens has no idea you released your pinch if you did it when your hand is out of range. When you bring your hand back into range (with pinch released) the HoloLens is effectively seeing a new hand. When you app gets the SourceLost event, it is up to your app to respond to that event by cancelling whatever manipulation event was in progress.

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