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The Mixed Reality Forums here are no longer being used or maintained.

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And always feel free to hit us up on Twitter @MxdRealityDev.

Proposal to split the Q&A conference into sub conferences

Jimbohalo10Jimbohalo10 ✭✭✭
edited April 2016 in Questions And Answers

Proposal to split the conference into sub conferences
In the last few days 16 pages of questions have appeared. I was investigating on question to which I have an answer, but now lost the question.
I propose the following categories
HoloLens Emulator

HoloLens Device

HoloLens Orders - Waves, orders, delivery, payment

Examples Holograms - starting Holograms 101 and onwards

HoloLens Windows Store Applications - Building, Publishing, Purchase

HoloLens Project Building - GalaxyExplorer and any projects

HoloLens GitHub updates announcement

HoloLens Documentation Updates - Technical and Editorial

HoloLens Futures - Requests and product specification updates

HoloLens General - Beginners, General, off topic

This would then make it simple and easier to reply to a question as they take time to research
Please Vote Up if you agree

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