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Hololens Clicker - from unity

Is there a way to detect when HoloLens clicker events occur from unity



  • Options

    @constantine as mentioned in the docs on Working with accessories and Use the HoloLens clicker, when referring to the clicker

    Use it in place of hand gestures to select, scroll, move, and resize

    So in your Unity code you would detect clicker events the same way you would detect the associated gestures.

    For example, a gaze at an element and click would be the same as an air tap gesture.

    So the GestureManager.cs script from the HoloToolkit typically fires an OnSelect message on the focused object. If you want to handle a clicker click on your game object, one way would be to attach a script to your game object that contains an OnSelect event handler to handle those messages from the GestureManager:

    void OnSelect()
    // The user either:
    // - air tapped
    // - said "Select"
    // - or clicked the clicker
    // so do something appropriate


    Windows Holographic User Group Redmond

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