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How to let an object free rotate by gestures?

In Academic 211, I learned the following two lines of codes, which help me to controlling the object rotates alone the Y-axis, that are,
// Calculate rotationFactor based on GestureManager's NavigationPosition.X and multiply by // RotationSensitivity. This will help control the amount of rotation.
rotationFactor = GestureManager.Instance.NavigationPosition.x * RotationSensitivity;
// 2.c: transform.Rotate along the Y axis using rotationFactor.
transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, -1 * rotationFactor));

In the file GestureManager, I learned the following code, that is,
// 2.b: Add Tap and NavigationX GestureSettings to the NavigationRecognizer's RecognizableGestures.
GestureSettings.Tap |

So I wonder, if I want to rotate an object in free mode, which means 360 degrees in any directions, I should change the code as following:
// 2.b: Add Tap and NavigationX, NavigationY, NavigationZ GestureSettings to the NavigationRecognizer's RecognizableGestures.
GestureSettings.Tap |
GestureSettings.NavigationX |
GestureSettings.NavigationY |

and adds next 3 lines of codes up rotationFactorX, rotationFactorY, rotationFactorZ
rotationFactorX = GestureManager.Instance.NavigationPosition.x * RotationSensitivity;
rotationFactorY = GestureManager.Instance.NavigationPosition.y * RotationSensitivity;
rotationFactorZ = GestureManager.Instance.NavigationPosition.z * RotationSensitivity;

But the NavigationY and NavigationZ seem not functional at all.
Can any one give me some suggestions how to fix this issue.

Thank You,


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