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How to import textures in 3d model on Unity

Hi, I imported a 3d model of a motorcycle on Unity. I would need, however, to include also the textures (.tif format) but I have no idea how to do.
I made a texture folder and I put inside the .tif file. But after the import it gaves me this error: Could not create texture from Assets/Textures/Icon_Texture Ref.tif: File could not be read.
Any suggestions? thanks


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    It might be an issue with the format. Most textures that I've used in Unity are PNG. I would suggest browsing the Unity forums for more information on this topic.


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    Thanks for your answer.
    But then if I have this .tif file should i just turn it into PNG? How? and where can I find a guide for putting textures in a 3D model in Unity?

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    @Charlie ,

    What tool did you use to crate your Model? I would look at the tool and see if you could convert the model to a different format which yields png's as textures.

    Dwight Goins
    CAO & Founder| Independent Architect | Trainer and Consultant | Sr. Enterprise Architect
    MVP | MCT | MCSD | MCPD | SharePoint TS | MS Virtual TS |Windows 8 App Store Developer | Linux Gentoo Geek | Raspberry Pi Owner | Micro .Net Developer | Kinect For Windows Device Developer

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    edited November 2016

    eh I don't know. A company gave me the model so I don't know which tools they used. The model's format is .fbx. Do you think is the format that creates problems?

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    .FBX should work fine, Try converting your tif's to png using Gimp or some other image editing tool. FYI, some tools also export the textures as jpeg and png in the same or separate folder as the model.

    Try to use a tool like Blender to import your fbx then try to use the converted png's to as the appropriate textures, and re-export the file back to fbx. Then re-import into Unity see if that works for you.

    Dwight Goins
    CAO & Founder| Independent Architect | Trainer and Consultant | Sr. Enterprise Architect
    MVP | MCT | MCSD | MCPD | SharePoint TS | MS Virtual TS |Windows 8 App Store Developer | Linux Gentoo Geek | Raspberry Pi Owner | Micro .Net Developer | Kinect For Windows Device Developer

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    FBX is the main 3D format that Unity uses.
    It does come in a variety of versions and since you don't have control of the original export process, you might find a utility like Autodesk FBX useful in both checking the condition of the file you received and perhaps experimenting with different versions of the FBX file to see if you can find one that Unity likes better.

    Windows Holographic User Group Redmond

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