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TapToPlace demo not works fine

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to use this “TapToPlace” scene demo that includes Unity "Holotoolkit" and seems that the project launchs fine in Hololens, but I can’t see any 3D model (as cube or cylinder). I can see the visual meshes of the mapping, but my “hologram” is not anywhere =(

Any idea to solve this?


  • Options


    Is the "Draw Visual Meshes" property checked (turned on) in the Unity Inspector for the Spatial Mapping Manager in your projects design time environment?

    If so, you might try turning that setting off in the IDE to start, and rebuilding and deploying to see if that helps. It sounds like your spatial mapping is in the on state to start with and depending on where you placed your 3D model, it may be being blocked by the spatial mapping mesh.


    Windows Holographic User Group Redmond

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