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3D Engine with hololens

I understand Unity3D engine is the recommended 3D engine for Hololens
But I presume Hololens also support other 3D engines , is that right ?
Are those who have used other 3D engines for tier Hololens app development .
What are you feedback ?
My intention of asking this question, is to check if I can develop 3D engine agnostics apps on Hololens ? or will the app be strongly bonded to 3D engine and change of 3D engine would require rewriting a lot of code ?



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    edited November 2016

    Hi @Mahesh

    The answer today is rewrite code. The answer tomorrow is most likely. However keep in mind most of us with HoloLens devices have dev kits. I'd bet some money that Microsoft is working to refine the HoloLens for production release, possibly building more features, and other things. This means that you never know with the final or version 2 or 3 of the device does that translate to other libraries and supported engines. I would say why not support it in an agnostic way if the 3D engine supports UWP apps.

    Unity and DirectX are the recommended engines currently. However if your query this forum a little bit you will see others have successfully tried OpenGL, and Unreal engine is open sourced by Microsoft to support UWP apps on github, which now means you have the ability to run a Unreal app on a HoloLens.

    Dwight Goins
    CAO & Founder| Independent Architect | Trainer and Consultant | Sr. Enterprise Architect
    MVP | MCT | MCSD | MCPD | SharePoint TS | MS Virtual TS |Windows 8 App Store Developer | Linux Gentoo Geek | Raspberry Pi Owner | Micro .Net Developer | Kinect For Windows Device Developer

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    utekaiutekai ✭✭✭

    There is urhosharp and I've developed a hololens app with it in c#, you can also use urho and DirectX and do apps in c++. The code written is specific to the urho engine.

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