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TabToPlace, Scale, Rotate


what is the best way to scale, rotate and place a hologram in the room?
I try it with the HoloToolKit.
Placing an Object is easy with the script TabToPlace.

My idea is to have a 2D Billboard in front of the user after he selected a hologram and then there are three buttons "Place, Rotate, Scale"

when he selects "Place" the Script TabToPlace is used.

Can you give me tips?


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    james_ashleyjames_ashley ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2016


    You should use the GestureManager with the GestureManipulator script to quickly add manipulations to your project. The HoloLens Academy tutorial 211 provides code for doing rotation which you can use to replace the default move code in the GestureManipulator script's update method. Scaling you'll have to figure out yourself but it should be pretty easy for you. Finally, you can use voice commands to switch between rotating and scaling your objects.

    James Ashley
    VS 2017 v5.3.3, Unity 2017.3.0f3, MRTK 2017.1.2, W10 17063
    Microsoft MVP, Freelance HoloLens/MR Developer

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    Has GestureManipulator been removed from the toolkit ?

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    @braden: The GestureManipulator has been deprecated. The new method for doing this kind of work is the new input module. If you check out the ReadMe in the Input Folder of the HoloToolkit, it's pretty well documented in there.

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