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Holograms 210 Chapter 2 example with more than one Hologram

edited November 2016 in Questions And Answers

I'm working on a apps which basically re-uses the Holograms 210 Chapter 2 example code. So I have a GameObject with the Interactible.cs, InteractibleManager.cs, CursorManager.cs, etc. Idea is to show some UI Text fields attached to the GameObject when user gazes the Hologram and hide them when not. Everything works fine.
Now, the problem arises when I add more GameObjects as the idea is to have more than one Hologram and do the same thing. In this case, I created different classes Interactible1.cs, Interactible2.cs and Interactible3.cs for each GameObject, but continue using only one InteractibleManager.cs. However, things are not working in this case. It seems "GazeEntered" and "GazeExited" messages are not received but InteractibleX.cs code... Looking closer at InteractibleManager.cs, I see it uses "FocusedGameObject.GetComponent< Interactible >( )" which of course the Interactible class doesn't exist (there are 3 classes now). I guess this is the problem....
So how should I modify the code in this case? Should I have 3 InteractibeManagers (one for each Hologram)?

Thank you very much for your support.

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