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Instantiate a prefab at random points in world?

I have a small room where my app will live Say 40 by 40 feet. I want to make snow fall from the ceiling all around every 2 seconds. How can I modify my script to achieve this?

How are the coordinates created with hololens. Is my Camera 0,0,0 when the world is created?
What does 1 foot real world calculate to hololens world or my transform in the inspector?

Sorry if im unclear not sure how to ask my question with the right terminology.

`using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class InstantiateSnowFlake : MonoBehaviour {

public GameObject mySnowFlakePreFab;
private float InstatiationTimer = 2.0f;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
void CreatePrefab()
    InstatiationTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

    if (InstatiationTimer <= 0)
        Instantiate(mySnowFlakePreFab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
        InstatiationTimer = 2.0f;



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    I looked a little at the particle systems. I liked the big snowflake i found though for my purposes. Not sure if i can swap out particles for my big snowflake prefab though. Thanks for the conversions.

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