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Moving an object with the user gaze


I have a sphere object and I would like to move it to re-positioning where the user is gazing. I know there is an example in the academy, but this one is enabling Spatial Mapping which enables the physics in the space (so the sphere is aware of the surrounded space and could fall to the floor, for example). I'm not looking to this.
I just need a simple way of adjust a little bit the coordinates (x and y) with the user gaze. Can I use the camera position to update the object or do I have to use the gaze manager code?

Thanks for your support.

Best Answer


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    Be aware thar the my code got a bit distorted by formatting. I was not able to fix this.

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    Have you looked at the TapToPlace script that is included in the toolkit? It may already do what you want or would at least give you a place to start from.

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