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Hand movement

edited December 2016 in Questions And Answers

I'm adopting 211 code to my project.
Particularly the Gesture manager and the astronaut manager.

I would like to use the part where they move the astronaut with the hand movement and not with Gaze.

I'm using the Managers from the HTK and they are a lot different from the managers of the 211 academy. For example, in my Hands manager, i don't have the Focused Object instance as the Hand Manager itself looks only for the hand.
I have the Focused Object instance only from the Gesture Manager.
Aside from that, I'm not using a voice input to start manupulating the object so I don't actually need the transition piece from 211.

i only have 1 gesture to be recognized which is my manipulation gesture.

this is what i'm using actually:

private void ManipulationRecognizer_ManipulationStartedEvent(InteractionSourceKind source, Vector3 cumulativeDelta, Ray headRay)
if (FocusedObject != null)
ManipulationInProgress = true;
ManipulationOffset = cumulativeDelta;



private void ManipulationRecognizer_ManipulationUpdatedEvent(InteractionSourceKind source, Vector3 cumulativeDelta, Ray headRay)
if (FocusedObject != null)
ManipulationInProgress = true;

            ManipulationOffset = cumulativeDelta;



nothing really happens with this code and I was wondering if you guys can help me why.
It seems like the message is not being delivered to the focused and that makes suspect that i get the wrong the focused Object but i have no idea where to take that.

i also attached the gesture manipulator to the object I want to move,if that matters.
ModifyStart and ModifyStartupdate contain the code from 211 academy.



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    my project is working now or sort of working.
    i replace Focused Object with:

    GazeManager.Instance.HitInfo.collider. this means I can move the object as long as i have gaze in it.

    I notice though that when the world anchor script is active, somehow the hand movement stops working as if there is something in the world anchor that stops the script with modifystart and modify update.
    can you tell why? i mean, i see no reason how world anchor script could stop another. it bothers me since I have to present this project to my boss :pensive:

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