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Object cannot be selected because the spatial is blocking it

edited December 2016 in Questions And Answers

I have set up quite a few holograms in which I spread them in several places. Some of them placed quite far from the user. I can see the holograms and get the sense that it is far away from us but it seems that my cursor won't select it because the wall in front of me is blocking it. How do I make the cursor able to pick the holograms instead of 'hugging' the wall instead?


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    In the GazeManager, there is a property for "Raycast Layer Mask". It lets you select/unselect which layers of objects in the scene will be hit by the cursor. Just deselect the "SpatialMapping" layer in that property and the cursor won't respond to the spatial mesh.

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    @DanAndersen where exactly is GazeManager? Do you mean the GazeGestureManager script?

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