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Integrating assets from unity store in an Hololens project


I was playing with an industrial plant asset from;
and it looks very nice in HoloLens.
However, I tried to add the cursor and gaze prefabs, but didn't work. It basically shows the cursor but doesn't change when gazing an object. May be because I'm using a scene with walls and floor as objects/holograms as well besides the other objects?
I'm wondering if these kind of assets from store are 100% compatible with HoloLens, or is something that need to be compliant with?
So far the examples from HoloLens Academy are playing with individual holograms but in my case I'm using the DemoRoom which is actually a complete room with lots of different objects and animations...

I would appreciate any feedback on this.

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    I created a new scenes with just one component (tank) from those assets, and included another object (sphere) besides the other one.
    So I tried the scene and the cursor works fine when user gazes the sphere, but not when gazing the tank... So what does HoloLens need in order to recognize this prefab as a Hologram? Is something else need to be set?


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