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How use diferent language with KeywordRecognizer?

I'm from Brazil and want to use Brasilian Portugues language in my aplication, can I change the dictionary or some thing like that to recognizer the portugues pronunciation?


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    This question came up the other day in the HoloDevelopers Slack Group. As far as I was able to tell from looking at the code, it's not comparing via a dictionary at all, but doing a phonetic comparison. That said, if you can put in the phonetic spelling of your Brasillian Portugues words, you should be able to gain understanding via the KeywordRecognizer. You might have to play with some of them a bit, but that was the solution for our team member that was trying to use French.

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    As mentioned here, at this time it is English only.

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    @Jesse_McCulloch said:
    This question came up the other day in the HoloDevelopers Slack Group. As far as I was able to tell from looking at the code, it's not comparing via a dictionary at all, but doing a phonetic comparison. That said, if you can put in the phonetic spelling of your Brasillian Portugues words, you should be able to gain understanding via the KeywordRecognizer. You might have to play with some of them a bit, but that was the solution for our team member that was trying to use French.

    I had this idea, but isn't worked well. I have a theory, I intend to use GrammarRecognizer to solve this problem. I saw that in the SRGS file you can set the languague, so I'm trying this right now. I'll return with the result of this experiment.

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