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I have to develop an app (Face Detection) and deploy it in Holo lense.

Holo Lense Application is to identify the moving persons in an auditorium using Microsoft Face API and display their details in their body . Can any one help me how can i do it and what all steps i have to do ?

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    utekaiutekai ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016 Answer ✓
    1. Find a hololens sample that already uses Cognitive Services APIs.
    2. Modify that sample to your own needs.

    Those are the primary steps you need to do.

    It's not as hard you think right now, but the Cognitive Services APIs are also not yet all that good in the results provided. With a limited set of faces though it should work fine. You can put the details right inside their bodies too, and the details will be visible in 3D virtual space (if that's what you meant).

    In addition to HoloLens samples there are some UWP samples too, one with real time face detection, and which runs on HoloLens for an immediate 2D fix for your need.


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    utekaiutekai ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016 Answer ✓
    1. Find a hololens sample that already uses Cognitive Services APIs.
    2. Modify that sample to your own needs.

    Those are the primary steps you need to do.

    It's not as hard you think right now, but the Cognitive Services APIs are also not yet all that good in the results provided. With a limited set of faces though it should work fine. You can put the details right inside their bodies too, and the details will be visible in 3D virtual space (if that's what you meant).

    In addition to HoloLens samples there are some UWP samples too, one with real time face detection, and which runs on HoloLens for an immediate 2D fix for your need.

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