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Consistent exception in stock Visual Studio SpinningCube C++ template

Steps to consistently reproduce:
1) Create a new project
2) Select the C++ hololens template (SpinningCube)
3) choose the deploy target to the hololens (Remote Machine)
4) with no edits select Debug -> Start Debugging

I always get an exception of the form:
Exception thrown at 0x76F02432 in exceptional.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Cn::XH at memory location 0x0200E354.

This does not happen with the C# SpinningCube template.

Should I be concerned? Any idea how to debug it?



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    utekaiutekai ✭✭✭

    Worked fine for me just now, chose the C++ template, put in hololens IP into the debug, win32 remote machine, machine name box. Then it runs fine.

    Show your output window contents, maybe that will help troubleshoot.

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