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Uncaught exception during type initialization

While trying to run Origami after adding the Spheres script that gives the spheres the rigid body property, I received the following message:

Unable to activate Windows Store app 'Origami_sx6pycx103f58!App'. The activation request failed with error 'Uncaught exception during type initialization'.

Any ideas on what might be causing this? Have I missed a step somewhere?

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    AlexDAlexD ✭✭✭

    I am getting a similar error some times. I found that uninstalling the app from the HoloLens and redeploying it will help.
    This happens sometimes after deleting the Win 10 app and regenerating it from Unity, especially if settings have changed, or I have merged my code before doing so.
    I would be interested to find the exact reproduction steps though. Will post here if I find anything else.

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    Thank you Neerajwadhwa. Your suggestion got me back to where I was earlier. I have the virtual paper airplanes and spheres back. Now all I have to do is try to figure out why my scripts don't seem to do anything.

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    I still get a warning that says:

    Failed to resolve all project references for 'Origami'. The package restore result for 'C:\Users\,,,,,\Origami\App\Origami\Origami.csproj' may be incomplete.

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    @moontube try regenerating your VS solution to another folder and deploy from there. Also make sure your scene is added in Build Settings.

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    Good suggestions, Neerajwadhwa. Residual junk can cause problems. However, I still get the warning, and my WorldCursor script does not seem to work. Ditto for the GazeGestureManager and SphereCommands. Is there any documentation for the emulator that I am not seeing?

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    I had the same problems moontube. I did clear some of them with neerajadhwa's help (ty). New GazeGestureManager and SphereCommand scripts are not working, though. I am able to add the scripts to the objects in Unity and Build the app. I see the new scripts in the Solutions Explorer. The spheres are not present in the app, however. Only the Cursor is there. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

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    My scripts are now working, but I still get the warning and I error out upon deploy, but rebuilding and then building again deploys successfully. This is weird.

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    Dave, sometimes things that were there, disappear. I got my scripts working by watching the Alex Turner video again and pausing at each step to mimic what he did. This did not clean things up completely, but at least I got my spheres to fall when I selected them and tapped.

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    moontube, are you suggesting I follow the instructions! :wink: I'm going to start the tutorial from scratch and will pay closer attention.

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    I also got this strange message today. What I did following advice form this thread was. Uninstalling the app form the device. Closing the solution. Deleting the /App folder where the solution was created from Unity. And create a new solution from unity in a new /App folder.

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