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watch Live stream on hololens

I am trying to send video stream to hololens, the most easy way is via Internet.

I use rtmp as live source, srs as server and can output rtmp, flv, hls and etc..

But I have meet some problems.

(1) It seems flash is not supported on the browser in hololens, so it's not possible direct use rtmp.

(2) I found a js can use html5 tag to play flv stream, but Media Source Extensions seems also not working(with Edge, I did watch the live stream by chrome on PC, fine).

(3) then I tried HLS, finally I can got something work, while the lagging problem is not bearable :(

any one have a good idea on how to make this one works better?


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    Sorry to bump such an old topic, but have you found a solution? I'm needing this very much...

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    I'm bumping this too! I am looking to use Team Viewer which needs flash to run in the web browser. I was able to watch live streams on periscope but it is very laggy.

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