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Frame Rate Question

I have been trying to get my FPS to 60 when trying to view a large FBX file exported from REVIT but have been unsuccessful. Below are a list of the things I have done, but can only seem to achieve 30 FPS which looks very choppy and the location of the hologram is very unstable:

-Fast quality settings
-Simplygon to reduce mesh (got it as low as 109,000 triangles, began at roughly 340,000)
-Holotoolkit shaders on all materials (standardfast)
-One material per mesh
-Tried combining meshes in 3ds max for a lesser number of unique renderers
-using the Holotoolkit main camera of course
-using shader preloading, rendering path -> forward, and 16 bit depth buffers
-using very basic scripting, not complex update function

I haven't tried writing my own shaders, assuming that the one's given with the holotoolkit are efficient enough, but I could be wrong. Are the triangles too large? or is there something else I should try?

Best Answer


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    I only have 6 draw calls currently. Once I get below 100k triangles the object is barely recognizable anymore. I don't believe I am using stabilization plane, could you expand on that @mark_grossnickle

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    Well, are you using the latest HoloToolkit? Last I checked they built the stabilization plane into that. You can see a sample of what that code looks like here: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/holographic/hologram_stability


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